ConformanceCheck ASCOM Device Conformance Checker Version ConformanceCheck Running on ASCOM Platform 6.0 Build: 6.0.21573.2300 ConformanceCheck Driver ProgID: ASCOM.USBIO.Telescope Error handling Error number for "Not Implemented" is: 80040400 Error number for "Invalid Value 1" is: 80040401 Error number for "Invalid Value 2" is: 80040405 Error number for "Value Not Set 1" is: 80040402 Error number for "Value Not Set 2" is: 80040403 Error messages will not be interpreted to infer state. 14:53:07.130 Driver Access Checks OK 14:53:07.958 AccessChecks OK Successfully created driver using late binding 14:53:08.052 AccessChecks OK Successfully connected using late binding 14:53:08.052 AccessChecks INFO The driver is a .NET object 14:53:08.052 AccessChecks INFO The AssemblyQualifiedName is: ASCOM.USBIO.Telescope, AscomUsbio, Version=6.0.5005.26611, Culture=neutral, 14:53:08.068 AccessChecks INFO The driver implements interface: ASCOM.DeviceInterface.ITelescopeV3 14:53:08.942 AccessChecks INFO Device does not expose interface ITelescopeV2 14:53:09.706 AccessChecks INFO Device exposes interface ITelescopeV3 14:53:11.142 AccessChecks OK Successfully created driver using driver access toolkit 14:53:11.142 AccessChecks OK Successfully connected using driver access toolkit Conform is using ASCOM.DriverAccess.Telescope to get a Telescope object 14:53:12.655 ConformanceCheck OK Driver instance created successfully 14:53:12.670 ConformanceCheck OK Connected OK Common Driver Methods 14:53:12.702 InterfaceVersion OK 3 14:53:12.702 Connected OK True 14:53:12.717 Description OK ASCOM USB-IO Telescope Driver 14:53:12.717 DriverInfo OK ASCOM.USBIO.Telescope 14:53:12.717 DriverVersion OK 6.0 14:53:12.733 Name OK ASCOM USB-IO Telescope Driver 14:53:12.733 CommandString INFO Conform cannot test the CommandString method 14:53:12.733 CommandBlind INFO Conform cannot test the CommandBlind method 14:53:12.748 CommandBool INFO Conform cannot test the CommandBool method 14:53:12.748 Action INFO Conform cannot test the Action method 14:53:12.748 SupportedActions OK Driver returned an empty action list Can Properties 14:53:12.780 CanFindHome OK False 14:53:12.780 CanPark OK False 14:53:12.780 CanPulseGuide OK True 14:53:12.795 CanSetDeclinationRate OK False 14:53:12.795 CanSetGuideRates OK False 14:53:12.795 CanSetPark OK False 14:53:12.811 CanSetPierSide OK False 14:53:12.858 CanSetRightAscensionRate OK False 14:53:12.873 CanSetTracking OK False 14:53:12.873 CanSlew OK False 14:53:12.873 CanSlewltAz OK False 14:53:12.889 CanSlewAltAzAsync OK False 14:53:12.889 CanSlewAsync OK False 14:53:12.904 CanSync OK False 14:53:12.904 CanSyncAltAz OK False 14:53:12.920 CanUnPark OK False Pre-run Checks 14:53:12.936 Mount Safety INFO Scope is not parked, continuing testing 14:53:12.951 TimeCheck INFO PC Time Zone: 東京 (標準時), offset -9 hours. 14:53:12.967 TimeCheck INFO PC UTCDate: 14-9-2013 05:53:12 14:53:12.967 TimeCheck INFO Mount UTCDate: 14-9-2013 05:53:12 Properties 14:53:13.060 AlignmentMode OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.076 Altitude OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.076 ApertureArea OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.092 ApertureDiameter OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.092 AtHome OK False 14:53:13.107 AtPark OK False 14:53:13.107 Azimuth OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.123 Declination ERROR .NET - Exception: Declination get - no value has been set. 14:53:13.123 DeclinationRate Read OK 0.00 14:53:13.138 DeclinationRate Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.154 DoesRefraction Read OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.154 DoesRefraction Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.170 EquatorialSystem OK equLocalTopocentric 14:53:13.170 FocalLength OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.185 GuideRateDeclination Read OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.185 GuideRateDeclination Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.201 GuideRateRightAscension Read OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.201 GuideRateRightAscension Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.216 IsPulseGuideing OK False 14:53:13.216 RightAscension ERROR .NET - Exception: RightAscension get - no value has been set. 14:53:13.232 RightAscensionRate Read OK 0.00 14:53:13.248 RightAscensionRate Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.248 SiteElevation Read OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.263 SiteElevation Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.263 SiteElevation Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.279 SiteElevation Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.279 SiteLatitude Read OK 35:00:00 14:53:13.294 SiteLatitude Write OK .NET Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set latitude < -90 degrees 14:53:13.294 SiteLatitude Write OK .NET Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site latitude > 90 degrees 14:53:13.310 SiteLatitude Write OK Legal value 35:00:00 degrees written successfully 14:53:13.310 SiteLongitude Read OK 135:00:00 14:53:13.326 SiteLongitude Write OK .NET Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site longitude < - 180 degrees 14:53:13.326 SiteLongitude Write OK .NET Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site longitude > 180 degrees 14:53:13.341 SiteLongitude Write OK Legal value 135:00:00 degrees written successfully 14:53:13.341 Slewing OK False 14:53:13.357 SlewSettleTime Read OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.372 SlewSettleTime Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.372 SlewSettleTime Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.388 SideOfPier Read OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.388 SiderealTime OK 14:26:43 14:53:13.404 SiderealTime OK Scope and ASCOM sideral times agree to better than 1 second, Scope: 14:26:43, ASCOM: 14:26:43 14:53:13.404 TargetDeclination Read OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.419 TargetDeclination Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.435 TargetDeclination Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.435 TargetDeclination Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.450 TargetRightAscension Read OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.450 TargetRightAscension Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.466 TargetRightAscension Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.466 TargetRightAscension Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.482 Tracking Read OK True 14:53:13.497 Tracking Write OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.497 TrackingRates Found drive rate: driveSidereal 14:53:13.513 TrackingRates OK Drive rates read OK 14:53:13.513 TrackingRate Read OK driveSidereal 14:53:13.528 TrackingRate Write OK Successfully set drive rate: driveSidereal 14:53:13.544 UTCDate Read OK 2013/09/14 5:53:13 14:53:13.544 UTCDate Write OK New UTCDate written successfully: 2013/09/14 5:53:13 Methods 14:53:13.575 CanMoveAxis:Primary OK CanMoveAxis:Primary False 14:53:13.591 CanMoveAxis:Secondary OK CanMoveAxis:Secondary False 14:53:13.606 CanMoveAxis:Tertiary OK CanMoveAxis:Tertiary False 14:53:13.606 Park OK CanPark is false and .NET MethodNotImplemented exception generated as expected 14:53:13.622 UnPark OK CanUnPark is false and MethodNotImplemented exception generated as expected 14:53:13.638 AbortSlew OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.653 AxisRate:Primary OK Empty axis rate returned 14:53:13.653 AxisRate:Secondary OK Empty axis rate returned 14:53:13.669 AxisRate:Tertiary OK Empty axis rate returned 14:53:13.684 FindHome OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.684 MoveAxis Primary OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.700 MoveAxis Secondary OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:13.716 MoveAxis Tertiary OK .NET - Feature not implemented 14:53:15.946 PulseGuide OK Asynchronous pulseguide found OK 14:53:15.978 SlewToCoordinates OK CanSlew is False and .NET Not Implemented exception generated as expected 14:53:15.993 SlewToCoordinatesAsync OK CanSlewAsync is False and .NET Not Implemented exception generated as expected 14:53:16.009 SlewToTarget INFO TargetRightAscension or TargetDeclination is throwing a PropertyNotImplementedException 14:53:16.024 SlewToTarget OK CanSlew is False and .NET Not Implemented exception generated as expected 14:53:16.040 SlewToTargetAsync INFO TargetRightAscension or TargetDeclination is throwing a PropertyNotImplementedException 14:53:16.040 SlewToTargetAsync OK CanSlewAsync is False and .NET Not Implemented exception generated as expected 14:53:16.056 DestinationSideOfPier Test skipped as AligmentMode is not German Polar 14:53:16.071 SlewToAltAz OK CanSlewAltAz is False and .NET Not Implemented exception generated as expected 14:53:16.087 SlewToAltAzAsync OK CanSlewAltAzAsync is False and .NET Not Implemented exception generated as expected 14:53:16.102 SyncToCoordinates ISSUE .NET - Exception: ASCOM.ValueNotSetException: RightAscension get - no value has been set. ---> ASCOM.ValueNotSetException: RightAscension get - no value has been set. 場所 ASCOM.USBIO.Telescope.get_RightAscension() --- 内部例外スタック トレースの終わり --- 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CheckDotNetExceptions(String memberName, Exception e) 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:行 527 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.GetTargetInvocationExceptionHandler(String memberName, Exception e) 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:行 650 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CallMember(Int32 memberCode, String memberName, Type[] parameterTypes, Object[] parms) 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:行 231 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.Telescope.get_RightAscension() 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\Telescope.cs:行 769 場所 Conform.TelescopeTester.TelescopeSyncTest(SyncType p_Test, String p_Name, Boolean p_CanDoIt, String p_CanDoItName) 場所 C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Conform\Conform\Devices\TelescopeTester.vb:行 2405 14:53:16.118 SyncToTarget ISSUE .NET - Exception: ASCOM.ValueNotSetException: RightAscension get - no value has been set. ---> ASCOM.ValueNotSetException: RightAscension get - no value has been set. 場所 ASCOM.USBIO.Telescope.get_RightAscension() --- 内部例外スタック トレースの終わり --- 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CheckDotNetExceptions(String memberName, Exception e) 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:行 527 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.GetTargetInvocationExceptionHandler(String memberName, Exception e) 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:行 650 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CallMember(Int32 memberCode, String memberName, Type[] parameterTypes, Object[] parms) 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:行 231 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.Telescope.get_RightAscension() 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\Telescope.cs:行 769 場所 Conform.TelescopeTester.TelescopeSyncTest(SyncType p_Test, String p_Name, Boolean p_CanDoIt, String p_CanDoItName) 場所 C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Conform\Conform\Devices\TelescopeTester.vb:行 2405 14:53:16.134 SyncToAltAz ISSUE .NET - Exception: ASCOM.ValueNotSetException: RightAscension get - no value has been set. ---> ASCOM.ValueNotSetException: RightAscension get - no value has been set. 場所 ASCOM.USBIO.Telescope.get_RightAscension() --- 内部例外スタック トレースの終わり --- 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CheckDotNetExceptions(String memberName, Exception e) 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:行 527 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.GetTargetInvocationExceptionHandler(String memberName, Exception e) 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:行 650 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CallMember(Int32 memberCode, String memberName, Type[] parameterTypes, Object[] parms) 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:行 231 場所 ASCOM.DriverAccess.Telescope.get_RightAscension() 場所 c:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\Telescope.cs:行 769 場所 Conform.TelescopeTester.TelescopeSyncTest(SyncType p_Test, String p_Name, Boolean p_CanDoIt, String p_CanDoItName) 場所 C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Conform\Conform\Devices\TelescopeTester.vb:行 2405 SideOfPier Model Tests 14:53:16.196 SideOfPier Model Tests INFO Tests skipped as this driver does not support SideOfPier Read Post-run Checks 14:53:16.274 Mount Safety INFO Tracking can't be turned off for this mount, please switch off manually. Conformance test complete Your driver had 2 errors, 0 warnings and 3 issues